
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tai Yang Bing ("Sun" Biscuit)

If you guys been to Taiwan, you may heard of this biscuit. Ei, no necessary la, I never been there... but i know this biscuit! haha... anyway... it is very famous (gua...) lol... Kelly Chen (HK singer) loves this... it is a MUST to buy thing for her if she goes to Taiwan (according to her lah.. :P). Unfortunately it is available only in Taiwan. Miss it so much!!

The other day I went to Pavilion.. jeng jeng jeng... and i saw thissss bisscuiitt... omg omg.. KL version of Tai Yang Ping!! :) RM2.00 each, taste great... not as good as the original ones lah.

And the inti....
Yummy! :) I think the filling is quite sweet..

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