
Monday, December 12, 2011

Kaya and Coffee Steamed Layer Cake

I love this recipe very much, simple and nice. Got this from one of my recipe book collection, but I left it in Miri so can't remember the chef's name.. :p
Here is the recipe for those who wish to try to bake this yummy cake...

250g butter
75g caster sugar
6 eggs (size B)
250g kaya
125g condense milk
125g plain flour
2 1/2 tbsp coffee (mix with hot water)

1. Beat butter & sugar until fluffy, add in eggs one at a time.
2. Add in kaya and condense milk.
3. Fold in flour.
4. Divide mixture into 2 portions. Add in coffee to one of the mixture,
5. Steam layer by layer; 8 minutes per layer. Steam 15 minsture after final layer.

Choose good butter, if you choose those low quality ones, your cake will turn out very oily. You may want to reduce the condense milk to 100g if you prefer the cake to be not too sweet, or you can purchase less sweet kaya.

The taste of the cake very much depending on the kaya that you use, I usually go for homemade kaya sold at most bakery shop and/or pasar malam/pagi.