
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saga Hill

Preparation for Mount KK hike.. we trained @ Saga Hill. Good training.. :)
1st time to Saga hill, we got lost. Just because of a mistake :P Saga vs. Segar. We followed another group of hikers, and they said there are heading towards the same direction.. by the time we reached the ending point.. alamak.. sini SEGAR.. not SAGA..deng!

Tiring.. however, superb experience, 5 of us.. went up and down, from 9am - 3pm XD here are some pictures :P

My new fav activity - HIKING

Hiking - I cannot explain how much i love to hike. I MUST hike at least once a week (for now) :P. or else... I will feel something is not right :P. hehe.. Last year my group of good old childhood Miri Friends contacted me and asked me if I would like to join them for Mount KK hike.. since we never travel together so.. we all agreed to meet up this year April to conquer mount KK! That's how it started :P

We started training, hiked almost every weekend 3 months before Mount KK....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Went to Singapore last weekend.. had a great fun :) Zoe had a great time with her cousin sis... Nikki..i think.. lol.... they can just be the bestest friend ever and then.. the next minute.. enemy..snatching, screaming.. shouting.. oh man.. both of them really cannot give peace to everybody in da house!

Here are some pics :) 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pattern liao-liao...

Some snapshots of Zoe having great time in Miri! Enjoy!

What the FISH!

I remember watching a "makan" show introducing Sultan Fish as one of the most expensive fish...however.. i was so shocked that my papa bought a sultan fish weighed 1kg at only RM13! It's either Sarawak is selling this fish dirt cheap or this fish is no longer that expensive anymore as it is already "berjaya dibiak" according to this site: . According to this page  the fish that i ate probably just an "imitation" of sultan fish. Oh well, sultan or not sultan.. the fish just tasted so great! :)

Monday, January 30, 2012


Went back to my beloved hometown last week. Had a great time with my beloved family :) And.. it was Durian season...

Durian from my Father's farm. Few of the durians was damaged by squirrel! however.. still damn yummy loh! :D The next day... jeng jeng jeng.. durian kampung hunting! :)
Smell like.. "beer" ... hehe.. RM25 a kg...
I like durians but I try not to eat.. once I start.. I just can't stop! :P Eating durian is just like drinking.. fun for that few moments but the after effect.. fulamak.. tak boleh tahan wey..!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fried Yee Mee

You may want to try this fried yee mee... :) self created recipe

big onion (i prefer the yellow ones.. bombay onion)
some minced garlic
sliced shallots
minced pork
minced char siew
Yee Min

add minced pork
soy sauce + salt
add char siew
add egg
add noodle
add cabbage + taugeh
add dark soy sauce + pepper + salt
fry fry fry ...

taaaddaaa.... yummy!


Zoe & I...

Trying to be creative

Oh man... what have i done to my blog? haha ... i'm such a noob... my blog is in such a mess! haha...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Zoe 1st day at Skool

Zoe is only 2 years + but if you were to count by "year" she is already 3.. so it's time for school! Not too sure if she is too young for school...

We took leave, just to be there on her 1st day of school.. to our surprise...she was OK.. she went in the class... waved bye bye to us... and started playing with her new friends. :) We were there for about 15-20mins.. everything went well :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bad Start for 2012?

Oh dear..

Chicken pox (hubby), car accident (on the nite of my promotion's celebration), almost "sliced" my flesh outta my thumb.. hmm.. I wonder if it is really a good year for me this year >.<