
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saga Hill

Preparation for Mount KK hike.. we trained @ Saga Hill. Good training.. :)
1st time to Saga hill, we got lost. Just because of a mistake :P Saga vs. Segar. We followed another group of hikers, and they said there are heading towards the same direction.. by the time we reached the ending point.. alamak.. sini SEGAR.. not SAGA..deng!

Tiring.. however, superb experience, 5 of us.. went up and down, from 9am - 3pm XD here are some pictures :P

My new fav activity - HIKING

Hiking - I cannot explain how much i love to hike. I MUST hike at least once a week (for now) :P. or else... I will feel something is not right :P. hehe.. Last year my group of good old childhood Miri Friends contacted me and asked me if I would like to join them for Mount KK hike.. since we never travel together so.. we all agreed to meet up this year April to conquer mount KK! That's how it started :P

We started training, hiked almost every weekend 3 months before Mount KK....